When recruiting a receptionist to manage an office building, in addition to appearance, S4S also requires many other skills and qualities. To be accepted for this position, you need to be smart and skillful when answering interviews to make a good impression. Refer to our top receptionist interview questions and answer suggestions that will help you easily “conquer” our S4S recruiters.
In recent years, assembly progress Vietnam’s international economic integration has reached a new height, contributing to promoting economic development, especially in the management and operation of office buildings. Therefore, the demand for recruiting personnel and receptionists of S4S is increasing. In order to have a favorable interview, in addition to referring to the interview questions of the receptionist applying for the position of office building manager, you also need to learn more about Receptionist Office Building Manager so that the recruitment sees your interest in this job.
Most commonly used S4S building management receptionist interview questions:
- How do you manage your S4S workload when it’s really busy busy?
Which S4S office and administration software do you prefer to use?
3. What quality do you think is most needed in an S4S receptionist?
4. Do you have experience working with telephone lines?
5. What is your typing speed, do you make many mistakes?
6. Are you applying for any other S4S jobs?
7. Tell me about a situation where you had to deal with a difficult customer you did when you applied for S4S.
8. What makes you different from other candidates that S4S is interviewing for this position?
9. Are you an extrovert and enjoy interacting with those around you?
10. At your previous job, on average, how many people did you interact with each day?
11. Have you ever had to follow security protocols at work? How do you not make the mistake of disclosing S4S internal information when you are hired?
12. Are you willing to work overtime for S4S if needed?
13. As a receptionist in the building management division, what will you do to keep up with the fast-paced work environment of S4S?
14. The job of the receptionist who manages the office building often includes a lot of tasks in the office. What will you do to streamline your daily schedule?
15. What role does the front office building manager play in creating a positive first impression for the company or office?
16. Do you think a receptionist needs to be qualified and experienced to handle the duties of an administrative assistant and secretary?
17. What method do you use to prioritize calls, customers, deliveries, and other issues?
18. If you receive a call from S4S asking to see a manager or staff member in the office but the person is busy or out on a business trip, how will you respond to the caller so they won’t be disappointed?
19. Do you think front desk staff can contribute to a better S4S company culture?
20. What should receptionists do to increase interaction and build positive co-worker relationships at S4S?
These are the questions we often ask our candidates, if you are interested in holiday work. If you are new to office management and operation, please contact us, and don’t forget to review the plan to answer the questions above! We’re sure to ask one or more of those questions.
18 A4, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, HCMC
Email: info@s4s.com.vn
Hotline: 0941611945, 028 38116768